Best AdminBoard - Flexible Admin Template
AdminBoard is a flexible and clean Admin Template created with latest standards. Powered by JQuery our template cames with a large variety of responsive interface elements, page templates and well commented code.
Features :
- +20 xHTML valid pages
- Clean and Flexible
- Respomsive Template
- 1140 Grid
- Validation Engine
- Nice F.A.Q. Panel
- Interface Elements
Pages :
- index.html
- validation-engine.html
- wysiwying-editor.html
- interface-elements.html
- admin-panel-icons.html
- calendar.html
- charts.html
- code-view.html
- error403.html
- error404.html
- error405.html
- error500.html
- error503.html
- faq.html
- gallery.html
- gallery-media-table.html
- login.html
- offline-website.html
- table-simple.html
- table-sortable.html
- table-sortable-resizible.html
- table-simple.html
- table-checkbox.html
- typography.html
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