Best Cupertino CV / Resume One Page HTML Template
Cupertino is a clean, minimal and simple template to use as a classic CV or resume. This is a professional design that lets your curriculum vitae stand out, not the design. Cupertino features brushed metal buttons with a smooth gradient and a navigation that has to be seen to be believed.
This one page design uses jQuery to create a smooth scrolling effect, as well as impressive web typography, subtle highlighting and appealing color palette. Watch as visitors email you straight from your website with the working PHP contact form.
What’s included?
Your online résumé should just be the final piece of your job application jigsaw. With that in mind, I’ve included .doc and .pages documents in the same style as the website template. Export them to PDF and let prospective employers download straight from your page. Even if they insist on printing your website, the included print version should keep the unique styling, minus the stuff like navigation buttons and footer.
What fancy things can I expect to find?
Watch as you scroll down the page and the navigation will automatically position itself to the top of your window for easy access. Scroll to each section of your CV, and the navigation automatically updates. Magic? No, silly! Just the wonderful world of jQuery plugins.
Enjoy a working contact form too (as much as one can). Any message sent from your website will land nice and safely in your email inbox. How? Open up sendmail.php in your favorite editor and change line 59 to your email address. Boom.
Who should be thanked for this wonderful thing?
Credits include:
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- Aristo theme for jQuery UI
- Ariel Fischer’s ScrollTo Plugin
- Bryan Helmig’s SendMail.php script
- Trevor Davis’ jQuery One Page Navigation Plugin
- qTip
What’s in the (metaphorical) box?
- Cupertino template (nicely commented, for your pleasure
- .doc résumé
- .pages résumé
- Print version
- Documentation
- Love and care (non-refundable, non-transferrable)
Do you provide support?
Sure. We’re all friends here. Drop me a message and let’s see what we can do.
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