If you need help, Click Here and send us you question using the form on the bottom right. We usually answer within 12hours.Active Coming Soon is a completely new concept for Coming Soon pages.
All created IN THE BROWSER !
With all that you need to show the visitors what your company really does. With a Modal window concept, a whole design based on the Amazing CSS 3 and HTML5 you’ll get the best from it.
Main Features Explained
jQuery SuperSized Slider Easy to configure by the configuration file created only for you. With features, used in a completely new way. Next, Previous, Play, Pause Slides with and amazing effect ‘youtube’ like. Simple to show/hide Thumbnail and very discreet credits for the image. Completely integrated loading bar. On the VERTICAL . Yeah!
Modal Windows Extremely easy to implement Modal windows, you can add you own Modal with your own content or iframe, adding a menu Item Easily.
New Contact Page Concept A whole new concept for the Contact Page, with a form that overlay’s the Map, and a Map that is easy to view and navigate, so your clients or visitors can find directions in a very easy and user-friendly way. You can add your Address and Phones right by the side of the form. Very easy to implement, using only the configuration file.
New About Page Concept Now you can add your own Youtube or Vimeo video to show your visitors what your company is all about, with a small description on the right down corner. Including of course the typical Social Icons for you to link yourself to the Social Networks of your choice. Very easy to implement, using only the configuration file.
Portfolio Page SlideShow with Comments A portfolio page with a slider that has the ability of add 2 lines to the image so you can better describe what that is all about. Amazing thumbnail system that works without messing the slider and is super user-friendly, it even has a tip image.
Twitter Ticker A great ticker for your twitter, right on the top of the screen with a great emboss effect. Change your Twitter name using only the configuration file.
Active Title and Sub-title CLICK THE HEART !
Very smooth effect on the letter, shuffling on the screen, with a cute icon on top that you can change, and when clicked it returns a funny message. You can configure the messages yourself to match everything you need.
HTML Subscribe Form A form for your newsletter. Very clean and simple.
New CountDown Concept A concept for a countdown that allows you to display your background without those numbers on top all the time. Your visitors can now navigate and enjoy the page without having to pay attention to the counter all the time. Huge but Clean numbers and D M H M S for better understanding. You can change the color easily on the css configuration file to match your backgrounds.
Vertical Menu Simple Vertical menu. A not very often seen vertical bar, holding a simple menu for your link and modal windows in case you need them.
Need Help?
If you need some kind of help, or if you want to report a bug. Please use the contact form on my profile instead of comments so that I can assist you in a better way.Version, Change-log and Updates
- May 19 2013 // Version 1.0
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