Best PerfectCV - Responsive, Bootstrap CV / Resume
PerfectCV is, like the name says, a perfect CV / Resume template for you! It’s based on Twitter bootstrap. It’s ultra responsive (it doesn’t just work on mobile, it’s works great!). And, it’s retina ready.
Built with clean and modern HTML5 + CSS3 code, it’s easy to customize, it’s well commented and well documented template.
- Ultra responsive layout
- Clean and modern design
- Retina-ready
- Based on twitter bootstrap
- PSD included
- CSS3 + HTML5
- Google web fonts
- Easy to customize
- Well documented
If you have any question or need any support, please post your questions in item’s discussion board or email us at or even better via the contact form on our profile.
We usually reply within 12 hours, but allow us up 24h. We really value our customers and we love to offer reliable support, so please feel free to contact us!
==> version 1.1.0 - 06/08/2013 Added Blog section, blog list and blog post pages. ==> version 1.0.0 - 22/02/2013 Initial Release
Thanks so much to:
- Twitter Bootstrap
- jQuery
- PHPMailer
- Entypo Icon Font generated via Fontello
- SubtlePatterns
- Somacro: Social Media Icons
- Lightbox 2
- Retina.js
- Google web fonts Arvo and Droid Sans
- HTML5Shiv
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