
Best Bird - Responsive Web App & Admin Template

Bird - Responsive Web App & Admin Template

Best Bird - Responsive Web App & Admin Template

Bird is the starting point for your next web application. It`s suitable for any user interface or administration panel, for any devices – from desktop to mobile devices.

The Bird Admin Template will save you a lot of time in your development process. It is built on top of the famous Twitter Bootstrap framework and updated for using Sass (CSS preprocessor).

New Update – v1.2

To keep the things up to date we have to update the template with the latest stuff available.
In this update we update Bootstrap to 2.2.0 and fix some minor bugs.
Changelog can be found at the bottom of this page.

Full Feature Overview

  • Responsive Design
    • Looks great from desktop to mobile
    • Two grid types – Fluid Responsive & Fluid Only
  • Developers Friendly
    • Everything is controlled by CSS/ HTML (no Photoshop required)
    • Many useful classes
  • Crossbrowser support
    • Tested in all major modern browsers
  • Very flexible and customizable widget boxes
  • Animated Login/ Register Page
  • Form Elements
    • Default text input fields, with tooltips on hover, max length, password.
    • Textareas
      • Elastic textarea with autogrow feature
      • With characters limit
      • Editor
    • Selects
      • Select with search
      • Multiple select (like tags)
      • Multiple select with Groups
    • Datepicker
    • Colorpicker
    • Masked inputs
  • Integrated Flot Charts & Extended Plugins
    • Line
    • Bar
    • Spider
    • Pie
    • Donut
    • Real Time Chart
  • Many Statistics Elements
    • Simple stats
    • Gauge stats
    • Progress bars
  • User Interface Widgets
    • Tabs
    • Dialogs & Modal Concept
    • Accordion
    • Buttons
    • Dropdowns
    • Button Groups
  • Google like Calendar
  • Google Maps integration using Gmap3 plugin
  • Tables
    • Static
    • Dynamic (live search, sorting)
  • File Explorer
  • Specific Pages
    • Profile Page
    • Search
    • Login
    • 404 Error


  • Version 1.2.0 – 31.10.2012
    • Updated to Bootstrap 2.2.0
    • Added Just Fluid Grid example on Grid page
    • Fix some minor bugs from General Forms page
  • Version 1.1.0 – 29.10.2012
    • File Explorer implementation
    • Full Dynamic Data Table example added
    • Fix some responsive bugs

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