
Best Briefcase HTML. Bold & Flat Portfolio 4 Designers

Briefcase HTML. Bold & Flat Portfolio 4 Designers

Best Briefcase HTML. Bold & Flat Portfolio 4 Designers

Briefcase is a full responsive layout portfolio for designers. Briefcase is perfect for those designers who want to show their work and skills in the same place. This template also includes a contact form and a blog to provide a great communication tool to show your professional profile to the world. Brifcase Info


  • Responsive design.
  • Desktop, Tablet and Mobile Fluid Layouts.
  • Easy to customize and change colours.
  • Powerful CSS3 Animations
  • HTML5 Audio Player included.
  • Slideshow Gallery Included.
  • Clean Code
  • 2 Styles includes. Bold and Minimal
  • Foundation 5. The most advacend responsive framework
  • Sass compass files

Files Included

  • index.html
  • about.html
  • about-team.html
  • work.html
  • work-full.html
  • work-masonry.html
  • project-web.html
  • blog.html
  • single-post.html
  • contact.html
  • ui.html
  • Css files
  • Scss files
  • Images
  • Javascript


Change Log:

Version 1.1
 - Updated to Foundation 5  - Portolfio grid improvements  
Version 1.2
 - Ipad hover issues minimal styles  - Grid margin issue responsive  

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