Best Adminus - Beautiful admin panel interface
Adminus is a stylish admin panel template, ready to be implemented as the back-end interface of your application. The template uses smart jQuery scripts and effects, which degrades perfectly.
Adminus comes in 3 premade skins – Blue, Green and Red and with the included PSDs, you can style it in any colors.
- Liquid and fixed layout
- Cross-browser compatible
- Valid code
- Unobtrusive jQuery
- Implemented WYSIWYG editor
- Beautiful, customizable graphs
- Easy tabs on any block
- Dropdown menus with 4 levels
- Working AJAX / PHP file upload
- Image management mini menus
- Date picker
- Sortable tables
- Custom select form element
- Fancy modal boxes
- Stylish notifications with nice fade in and fade out effect
- Image preloading
- Custom font with @font-face
- 3 premade skins – Blue, Green and Red
- Easy skin customization with the provided PSD files
v1.4.4 now available – Adding tooltips in the graphs and a breadcrumb style. A few bugs fixed.
v1.4.3 – Sortable tables, linkable sidebar tabs, stats now fill the whole width.
v1.4.2 – Per-table customizable stats charts, sidebar tabs, small fixes and UI improvements.
v1.4 – liquid layout, block sidebar and working AJAX / PHP file upload
v1.3 – added search field in the block headers.
v1.2 – added pagination.
v1.1 – added dropdown menus to the navigation and a custom select form element, plus some minor fixes.
voidmedia: “Simple, clean and a nice structure. Great work.”
jupaju: “Just purchased only few minutes after seeing this template first time. Absolutely great work.”
dwayne12: “This is the best admin theme on here, period. It’s simple, but attractive and doesn’t try too hard to do everything all at once like the other administration themes. Love this theme. Keep up the good work.”
ironhide: “Loved your work. Just mindblowing. Specially this version 1.4”
paulcoughlin: “This awesome – thanks so much for all the hard work you have obviously put into creating this.”
antmr: “This template is really, really great. Bought it some weeks ago and I love it. IMO one of the best admin templates here. The amount of sales on ThemeForest confirm it.”
Kutuzov: “Best admin theme I’ve seen so far!! I really liked it, and I didn’t have any major problem customizing it as I wanted to.”
marc_mulzer: “I bought this template and am very happy with it. I used CodeIgniter to build the backend around it and the result was great. I love the clean XHTML and sensible CSS . Easy to extend too.”
Snicks: “It’s the best admin theme I ever got and I am very pleased with it. It had everything I need in a very clean and elegant manner.”
yiw: “I highly recommend Adminus. Bought it yesterday and my admin console looks way better within one day. I emailed the developer twice about how to use it, and he get back to me within 2 hours every time.”
tiefox: “Worked great!!! Thanks a lot! Excellent template and excellent support!!”
keeskluskens: “I really like AdminusIt made my CMS a lot better AND saved my time.”
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