
Best Klean HTML Template

Klean HTML Template

Best Klean HTML Template

Klean HTML Template

  1. 11 HTML Pages.
  2. Fully responsive.
  3. 11 PSD Files also included. (worth 10$)
  4. Builded on twitter bootstrap.
  5. Sortable portfolio.
  6. Lightbox 2 Image gallery.
  7. 2 Pricing tables (4 columns, 6 columns) sizes.
  8. Buttons, Tabs, Accordions etc.
  9. Lots of jquery features.
  10. Footer 3 columns.
  11. Valid HTML5/CSS3 W3 code.
  12. All browsers compatible.
  13. Documentation inlcuded.
  14. Support via our website.
  15. ...and much more

Klean is fully responsive.

Credits Files
Assets used

I’ve used the following fonts and assets as follow:

Special thanks to:

  1. Helvetica Font Family – Body Font & others.
  2. Bitter Font Family – Headings font.
  3. Brankic1979 icons — Icons used.
  4. Picto Pro Icons — Also icons used.
  5. Icon Finder — For various icons.
  6. Lightbox 2 — Lightbox 2 image gallery.
  7. Social icons
  8. Wow slider
  9. Bootstraps


Support for this theme is available here

Note: Please answer any question there, otherwise it won’t be answered.
Also please feel free to report any bug there.

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