Best Responsive Paradise Hotel
Main features
Responsive Paradise Hotel is an HTML5/CSS3 site template suitable for hotels, restaurants, spa and similar. The layout looks beautiful at any size, be it a laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets.
- Valid and clean HTML5/CSS3
- Responsive layout: compatible from mobile browsers to netbooks and tablets. Try to resize the browser window to see it in action.
- Flexslider: responsive images slider
- Fullscreen Gallery
- Fullscreen intro page
- Rate room widget
- Weather widget
- AJAX PHP room availability request form: a request email will be sent to the owner of the site.
Note: in the demo the request will be sent to my email account. - AJAX PHP contact form
- Google Api web font
- Google Map
- Responsive Video Support
- Prettybox
- IE7 compatible
- Very easy to edit
- Jquery plug in: Moderniz, Calendar date input, Form exposè, Form Validation, Weather wiidget
Images in preview files are purchased from Istockphoto.
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